in spring , " fukuju-so " (adonis ramosa ) bloom in clusters in the southwestern ridge , and aconite flowers bloom in large numbers on the mountaintop from summer to autumn . 春には西南尾根にフクジュソウ(福寿草)の群落が見られ、夏から秋には山頂一帯にトリカブトが多く咲く。
the inside of each resident area remains uninvestigated , but these regions are presumed to have been living spaces for various craftworkers from the fact that in the southwest of the village there is a market-like place where earthen vessels carried in from kawach , omi , ki and so on were found , in the south a place where unfinished wooden cups , remains related to bronze ware casting and remains of furnaces were found and in the north a place where raw stones of sanukite and their fragments were found in clusters . 各居住区の内部は未調査であるが、村の西南部に河内や近江、紀伊など各地の搬入土器が多く出土する市的な場所、また、南部では木器の未成品や青銅器鋳造関連遺物や炉跡、北部ではサヌカイトの原石や剥片が纏まって出土する所などがあり、各種工人の居住の場所と推定される。